
How To Make Clothes In Second Life Using Photoshop

There are lots of reasons to trying your hand at making dress in Second Life. Maybe your an artsy person? want a new creative outlet? Maybe you need some wearing apparel for yourself, or a friend in Second Life and don't want to pay the full linden price of an already fabricated design? Or mayhap your interested in starting your own business and making cloths in Second Life, seems like a cracking thought!? Well, Ill tell you, for wanting to earn some extra linden dollars, dress is one of the best ways to go! Reason being, avatars will always demand dress, that is one trend that volition never dice out ;)

I started to make wearing apparel in Second Life because I was a new player and I was looking for quality wearing apparel for gratuitous, or every bit inexpensive as possible. I had a gratuitous account at the time, and Linden dollars were express. Near the things I caused were from friendly handouts. Ive always been artistically inclined and I knew my style around Photoshop for elementary things, similar photo touch up and manipulations. I had too bought an Intous 3 Graphic Tablet by Wacom for digital painting. Funny affair is, I never really got into it that much, until I tried my hand at making Second Life wearing apparel. I do highly recommend the utilize of a tablet if y'all want to seriously get into making clothing designs and textures. Information technology allows you to describe and shade more realistically, and the digital pen (cartoon tool) for the tablet allows pressure sensitivity for shading. Splendid investment!

So in this tutorial I will show you the nuts of making some textured clothes by use of Photoshop, as that is the program I utilize and recommend Yet the principals are similar, and and then you lot could apply the same techniques in another program, like The Gimp, which is a free open source plan very similar to Photoshop.

Apply of Templates:

Yous need a template to work over every bit a guideline on how to draw for the 2nd life avatars frame. At that place are a few templates to choose from. The i I use is Avatar UV Template. The default appearance of the templates bust appears to exist that of a female person. But in reality whatsoever clothing texture tin exist worn past a male or female avatar. Of course shading uniquely to fit the gender is likely to give the wrong impression if worn on the opposite of what was intended! Ill go a flake more than into that at the shading footstep of this tutorial. :)

Above is a moving picture of the template where I take likewise outlined primal elements of the plan nosotros will be using which I will cover in each step. The first step is to get yourself the template and open the "height template" into Photoshop. The lines and grid are there to help you connect the dots so to speak. Enabling you lot to line upward clothing edges, textures and seams.

Working with Layers!

Offset we need to fill some of this template in and make a base of operations layer to work off of. Layers are of import when making clothing because information technology allows u.s.a. to go back and easily right mistakes in pieces. If we drew all the details on the same layer, anything that needs erasing would erase any piece of work we have previously done correctly as nosotros congenital up to the ending details. With layers, each specific detail has its ain space. For case, our first layer will exist called "base of operations layer" and it will be the base color for our material. In time we will add together more after on peak of that for shading, stitching details and so forth.

Step ane) At the summit of your program is a tool bar. Click "layer" so "new" so "layer"

Step 2) A box will popular upwards. Where is says "name" and offers a text space, type "base layer color" or whatsoever works for yous. This only helps us hands identify what layer is what. Yous will so encounter on the right mitt side on your screen at the bottom a new layer has been added to your template called "base of operations layer color" equally shown in the example. Make certain you take that layer clicked and highlighted, every bit this is the layer we will exist cartoon on.

Making a base fabric layer!

Now we fill in the areas we want covered in fabric on the template. In this case I'1000 making the top for a dress. You tin can simply color in the infinite with a pigment brush tool, only to make sure you get nice crisp lines that properly bleed over, I similar to employ the lasso tool. With the lasso tool I draw around the outside of the bust in sections, connecting the line to brand an enclosed expanse and I can apply color with the "paint bucket tool"

Step 1) on the left mitt side, on your tool bar notice the lasso tool at the peak. Correct click to brand sure the polygonal lasso tool is selected.

Step 2) start to draw a line around the templates bu st, making sure your going around the colored edge. Click continuously around the shape to draw the line until you have come full circumvolve and fabricated the line connect. It will form a moving dotted line which indicates the lines take continued.

Fill up in the color

Step 1) Select on your tool bar that paint bucket tool, chosen "paint bucket tool"

Stride ii) On your tool bar are two squares, click the meridian ane and it will bring up a "color picker window" equally shown in my example. Elevate the color dial upward and down, and use your mouse to select an area of the shade displayed that you like. In this case I chose a sort of olive green. Hitting the "Ok" push when you lot take it. You'll see that box on your tool bar show the colour you selected.

Step three) with the "pigment bucket tool selected, click inside the area y'all have outlined with the lasso tool and fill the space in with color. Side by side, to become rid of the dotted lasso line, go to your carte bar at the pinnacle. Click "select" and and so "deselect" Go along this procedure for the dorsum of the shirt template and the sleeves if desired.

Go far look like fabric, explore blending options!

We tin requite this base of operations layer a texture if we want, to farther give the illusion of fabric. I do this on all my dress now because it ensures that even the "blank" spaces have some textual interest even if minimal. You don't accept to do this, only its a step ill evidence nevertheless :)

Step 1) Click on your "base color layer" in your layer section every bit shown in the example epitome. Make sure its highlighted. Right click to get a menu and choose "blending options"

Step two) Choosing "blending options" volition bring up a new window for yous with lots of interesting options. Experience costless to explore each one and see what they do. All can add interesting effects to a layer. For at present though, we focus on giving our base of operations color layer a pattern.

Under the "style" section, as shown in the example picture, click where it says "Pattern Overlay" make sure the field is highlighted by clicking and the box is checked.

Click the box next to where it says "pattern" and cull 1 of the available patterns. I chose 2d design from the top row on the left.

Next, slide the dial for the opacity bar down, this will allow us control how much of our base color layer shows through the pattern. I bring the dial way downwards so that the fabric just as a hint of texture. But you tin go out information technology wherever you similar it best. When you take it where you like, it the "Ok" button.

Erasing areas to expose mankind.

When making apparel and wanting areas on the outfit that show exposed mankind, we want to exit blank. In order to do this we need to go dorsum and erase areas nosotros accept filled in with color. In this instance, I decided I desire the top of this dress to have a depression 5 neck.

Step 1) Making certain your base color layer is still selected.

Step2) Now using the lasso tool, as show in "Making a base cloth layer" cut out the area in which you like to erase. Again, using the lasso tool will ensure crisp lines that don't drain unevenly. You could simply only draw and erase if you like, but for even and strong erased lines I recommend the lasso tool. Make sure the expanse you wish to erase connects with the beginning of your lasso tools line.

Annotation: You may wish to "hibernate" the base of operations layer color" to meet the template construction below so you know just where your hoping to erase. Using the lasso tool while looking at the template design will assistance ensure yous don't "cut" to far in where nipples may show est. To hide a layer then yous can see whats underneath, simply click or un-click the box that shows the "heart" icon next to each layer.

Step 3) On your tool bar, choose the "eraser tool"

Pace 4) Simply beneath your carte bar at the top of the programme are brush options. With the eraser tool chosen, pick a castor. In this example I chose brush number ane, equally it draws/erases with a solid border. Then with the punch you tin increase or subtract the size of the brush. In one case all is selected, you can outset to erase on the inside of the area yous have divers with the lasso tool. You'll notice that yous deceit depict outside of this divers line, then don't be afraid to get sloppy! When finished, at the elevation of your menu bar, choose "select" and then "deselect" this will become rid of the lasso line.

Fourth dimension to add some shading and shape!

You don't have to practice this step if yous don't want to, but I highly recommend it. Without proper shading an outfit volition look disinteresting and flat, despite being stretched over a sharply avatars frame. Shading adds visual appeal and shape in but the right places. Even minimal shading tin make all the divergence.

In this example I am shading for a female shape. Just the idea applies to mens attire are well. Simply accommodate by drawing the nighttime and light colors to simulate pectoral muscles and the similar.

Step ane) Make a new layer, equally shown in a higher place in "Working with Layers!" This time I've labeled my layer equally "dark shading" as shown in the example picture. Make sure this layer his highlighted, we want to draw OVER the base color layer, not on information technology.

Pace 2) Choose a paint castor tool from your tool bar.

Step 3) Just below your menu bar at the superlative of the program are castor options. With the eraser tool chosen, pick a castor. In this example I chose brush number 45. Information technology has a soft fuzzy edge that allows for a smooth slope of color. Then with the dial you tin can increase or decrease the size of the castor. In addition you can change the opacity level, merely to the right of the brush options to increase and decrees the flow of color practical. Y'all may need to do this if you don't accept a digital tablet.

Step 4) Start to carefully depict over the base color layer, after choosing a darker colour as explained in "Fill in the color" using the color picker. I recommend starting light and building up to darker hues. I tend to retrieve subtle is improve. Like wise, you lot tin can add together more shape and detail by making a tertiary layer for your lighter color every bit shown in my example picture.

Getting ready to save – merging layers and resizing.

Textures load all-time in 2nd Life at 512x512 pixels. We demand to resize our shirt layer, and we need to hide the layers of the template nosotros don't wish to see. To hibernate a layer, but click or un-click the box that shows the "eye" icon next to each layer. For this step, we need to united nations-cheque all "eye" icons adjacent to the template layers until all the template layers cant exist seen. Exist sure to leave all the layers we have fabricated. See example picture.

Step ane) Brand sure your "base color" layer is highlighted subsequently yous have hidden all template layers. Then on the carte bar at the top of the screen choose where it says "layer" then scroll to where it says "merge visible" This will merge all your visible layers into ane layer, leaving an alpha background.

Added, sub-step for newer Photoshop versions, for saving transparency! please follow this footstep.

Once you have merged the layers as stated above, to make sure the transperant parts stay transperance, you must follow these steps. (Apologies for the different texture in below example, this department of the tutorial came at a later appointment!)

Step one)Once you have merged the layers equally stated in a higher place, highlight the merged layer and hover your mouse over the box every bit indicated in the example. (click to enlarge) Hold downwards your Ctrl key and click your mouse to select around the edges of your texture. You lot will see a "selected" line now hugging the shape of your texture as shown in the case.

Step two) Once this is done, look at your card bar and click where it says "Select" to open a drop down bill of fare. From there, cull where information technology says "Save Selection" to bring up another window.

Stride iii) Be sure that the "Channel" field is set to "New" and that "Operation" is set to "New Channel" - Then where it says "Name" type in the word "alpha" so hit salve. Now proceed to the adjacent pace beneath. Pace ii of resizing your image.

Pace 2) Time to resize the image. On the menu bar choose where it says "image" and then click on "image size" This will bring up an image sizing window with options.

Pace three) Brand certain the prototype backdrop are set to "pixels" in both boxes. Make sure the 2 boxes at the lesser are checked as shown in example image. Now for width and height type in 512 and then hit "Ok"

Save the image!

Go to the menu bar, choose "File" so "relieve as" Proper noun the epitome something easy to call up and in a location you can find on your estimator. "desktop" maybe. So save the format as a Targa file, tga.

Time to upload to 2d Life!

Side by side you need to upload the texture 2d Life. This function is easy, and done in a few simple steps.

Step 1) On the carte du jour bar at the top of the screen in Second Life, click "file" and and so "Upload" and so click "image (Fifty$10)"

Aye it costs a minor amount of linen dollars to upload a texture, merely x inst that much especially compared to what profit you could earn. Besides this is still cheaper then ownership a whole outfit yourself, though arguably more than work and time consuming to creature your ain.

Pace 2) You lot volition get a preview window of the texture. From this signal you tin just hit "upload (50$x)" and move into the next section.

Step 3) You can also preview the texture on a 3D model. To do this, where information technology says "Preview prototype" there is a drop down box. Pick "female upper body" Yous tin can now click on the 3D image and move it around with the came photographic camera commands to run across it from unlike angles, front and dorsum. Ctrl and Alt pressed at the same time, then move your mouse to rotate. Hit the "upload (50$10)" button when ready, the epitome will show in your textures folder in your inventory.

Fourth dimension to put the dress on the avatar!

Step 1) First yous need to create a wear layer to wear, you will later employ your ain texture to this layer. In your inventory, on the upper menu bar click where it says "create" curl to "new wearing apparel" and then click "new shirt"

Step 2) Detect the new shirt in your inventory, rick click it and choose "wear" you'll see your avatar clothing/rez a new white shirt.

Step 3) To employ the texture and edit it, yous now need to edit your own appearance. To practice this, rick click on your avatar and cull "advent" This will bring up your "appearance window" Side by side in the left paw side column, click where it says "shirt" then the field is highlighted as shown in the example picture.

Now click the white box adjacent to where it says "fabric" A search bar will come up. Yous tin can type the name of the texture you just uploaded to find it, or else check your inventory texture folder. Once you have the texture, cull "ok" You'll see that your avatar is at present wearing the texture you made.

You tin play with the dials to adjust the shirt some more. Y'all will probable need to adjust the shirt length and collars, forepart and dorsum to brand sure the whole shirt shows. Once you have it all ready, click "Salvage equally" At present this shirt has the texture applied. Next time you lot vesture this shirt layer, information technology volition be your custom design!

The End!

And there you accept it, your ain home made texture, unique to anyone else! Unless you sell it! Likewise, these tutorial instructions apply the aforementioned principals equally making men or womens clothes, as well as making jackets, pants, undershirts, underwear ect. All y'all need is the correct template. Bust, skirt or bottom.


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